Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's Almost That Time!

As Spring is approaching around the corner, the day I've been waiting for is almost here. My little boy is finally going to be six months! Other than the excitement of reaching half a year and all the milestones that come along with it like, him sitting up without my cautious hand and his little legs finally taking off into a crawl. I've mostly been anxious to introduce my baby boy to solid foods!
It's definitely a giant step for us. Learning to eat different foods is a part of our human nature. Evidently we will be saying bye bye to the bottle and hello to meals. 

I took it on myself to order my very own baby bullet two months ahead of time. It's been sitting in the corner of my kitchen still in the box just ready to be opened. The idea of making my baby his food instead of buying it delighted me. I loved the idea of becoming a baby Betty Crocker for my son. Well, that and the fact that the product advertised that it made a weeks worth of baby food in merely five minutes. 

If the baby bullet wasn't enough while I was baby window shopping on Amazon I came across a book I just had to have called "201 Organic Baby Purees". It's pretty interesting. My favorite part about it is that it organizes the recipes based on the baby's age also the recipes sound both delicious and healthy!

In honor of my excitement to start this food adventure with my little man I wanted to share with all of you baby food recipes and ideas that I found would be extremely fun to do!

Here's a chart I found on Pintrest that can help you keep track of what to feed your baby and how. It'd be helpful to print this out and hang it on the fridge in your kitchen for a quick reference.

You can print out this chart here.

Once A Month Meals

For moms that don't have a lot of time on their hands, whether your working two jobs, go to school, or juggling three kids this handy food website I found is absolutely perfect for a mom with a busy life style. It's called Once A Month Mom which you can find at You can get an entire months of food recipes, grocery lists, step by step guides, and labels personalized for each month. The recipes are originally created for 9-12 month old but the recipes can also be used for the entire family. By signing up you will have access to a bunch of different recipes for multiple occasions. Basic membership is only $10 a month or $99 a year. 

You can find the sample recipe for the Apple Crisp here.


Weelicious is a helpful website for all your cooking needs. The cool thing about this site is that it doesn't only provide recipes but products you can purchase as well to help making your kids food easier! I got my eye on their Wean Green baby food storage containers. They are made with tempered glass so it is easier to store food whether it be in the fridge or in your diaper bag! This website is definitely one that can be used as your little one grows. They provide recipes from baby food to school lunches and even family dinners. When you go on the website they have a search bar up top that asks "what do you want to cook today" and then asks you "who is it for?" The search bar makes it quicker for you to find that perfect recipe. The site also has a feature where you can sign up for one recipe sent to you a day. This is a cool choice if you want to try something new every day and as my son gets older is definitely something i'll be doing! Although there are free recipes online, you have the option of buying their recipe book called "Weelicious Lunches".  The book is recipes particularly for kids who are off to school and it's on Amazon for $16.94.

You can find this adorable recipe for Teddy Bear Toast here.

Nurture Baby

If you enjoy following blogs then this is the perfect recipe site for you. Nurture Baby is a blog consisting of baby and toddler food recipe. You can easily find the most popular recipe in the "trending post" as well as the newest recipes in the "newest post". They also give you the option of joining. When you join you are able to add your own recipes and see recipes that others have posted. You have this thing called a recipe box where it will store all the recipes you've posted and you'll be able to easily look back on. You can also add other recipes that you liked into your recipe box which is designed specifically for your little one. To join their website it costs you no money. Another cool thing about this site is that they provide a nutrition list with specific colored blocks so you can see how much your baby needs of each. There is a downloadable chart designed for babies one year and above.

You can find the recipe for Apple A Day here.

There are many other baby food sites out there! You can easily find recipes and ideas that you like best off of search engines like Google or websites like Pintrest. Homemade baby food is not only better for your little one but a lot more fun too! It will be an experience both you and your little one can enjoy.

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